Talking travel with TAOC travel edition...
Travelers' tales have always been popular - people have been sharing their experiences of different places and faces for about as long as we've been communicating! This new TAOC® title turns our passion for travel - and talking about it - into a new form of entertainment and education.
Rather than suffering through family happy snaps (with accompanying monologue) on the slide projector, laptop or even mobile phone, TAOC® The Art Of Travel Conversation allows everyone to share their expoeriences, tips and favourite destinations in a balanced way.
- Over 300 fascinating travel topics and a 32-page guidebook that includes detailed end notes.
- TAOC® encourages meaningful and fun conversations about the world, people and places, experiences, sights and sounds, philosophies and beliefs.
- Ideal for experienced travellers, soon-to-be-travellers, even armchair travellers, TAOC® also allows you to swap 100% practical travel tips and learn about unexpected destinations that may nver have occurred to you.
- We travel for different reasons, in search of different things. Some travel in search of adventure, others to seek peace and relaxation, others to encounter new, surprising and exotic things. TAOC® has conversations for all modes and means.
Whenever and wherever we travel, travel broadens the mind and deepens the conversation. That makes it the perfect topic for it's own edition of The Art of Conversation, a game which is all about conversation and communication. Like all TAOC® variants, TAOC® is a well-tested game suitable for players of all ages, whether they play as a group, a couple or solo. It also has educations potential, because so much conversation about travle reflects on topics such as geography and experiencing different cultures. Players broaden their knowledge whilst having fun.lst having fun.