The Art of Couples Conversation
With 300+ wonderful ways to connect & reconnect via enjoyable, balanced communications, the Art of Couples’ Conversation is the perfect way for couples of all ages and stages to delight in each other’s company as they reach a deeper and closer understanding of each other, themselves and their relationship.
Discover and rediscover, refresh and revitalise, laugh and love.
Celebrate both differences and things in common while connecting and reconnecting in a multitude of new ways.
The Art of Couples’ Conversation is the latest title in a best-selling range of communication ‘games’ that have been extensively researched and developed to grow relationship resilience and longevity. Professionally accepted as a resource for use in therapy and education, The Art Of Couples’ Conversation helps partners of all ages and stages connect and reconnect lovingly and respectfully, even when the subject may be a difficult one. Through guided and reflective communications, couples are encouraged to enjoy each other's company through communication.
TAOC® creates vibrant relationships, minus the stress.
TAOC® is not a quiz or trivia test. It’s never about who knows most. Rather it has been carefully researched, tested and developed to promote respectful listening and communication, celebrating differences, appreciating similarities, connecting and reconnecting in a multitude of new ways.
Includes Comprehensive guidebook, 9 variations on play, including solo variation for personal growth and reflection. Educational and Professional use also.